Integrating the Holonomics Approach into a Balanced-Reporting Framework for Small Municipalities

For the last year Maria and I have had the very great pleasure of supervising Bo through his doctoral research at the university’s department of Educational Sustainability which had the aim of “developing a sustainable balanced-reporting framework (SBRF) that will allow cities to change their management focus to include a holistic systems approach toincrease operating efficiency while making strong sustainable change”.

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Evolving our Organisations through Deep Tech and the New 4Ps

This concentration of wealth and technological power raises many important questions in relation to how we now see the evolution of advanced technology in relation to evolving to more equitable societies and restoring our planet’s depleted natural ecosystems. What does it mean to be human in this new reality which is emerging, and how will organisations and businesses evolve to ensure that they continue to be meaningful and impactful in our lives?

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