The Holonomics Approach – Regenerative Organisations, Experiences and Technologies

The key premise of Holonomics is that significant transformation cannot be achieved without the practice of human values and an expansion of consciousness. Without these two factors present, any form of regenerative life-enhancing transformation will still be operating from an existing mindset, no matter what language or vocabulary is being used. But when leaders do undertake to really understand the Holonomics approach, they quite literally experience a new way of seeing and being in the world, and this is when the desired transformation takes place.

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Integrating the Holonomics Approach into a Balanced-Reporting Framework for Small Municipalities

For the last year Maria and I have had the very great pleasure of supervising Bo through his doctoral research at the university’s department of Educational Sustainability which had the aim of “developing a sustainable balanced-reporting framework (SBRF) that will allow cities to change their management focus to include a holistic systems approach toincrease operating efficiency while making strong sustainable change”.

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